When owning an Emerald you get to know its intricate details, patches, lines and unique internal glow, becoming your own personal work of art; a relationship rarely possible with other gemstones.


The Word Selva means tropical forest, something that Colombia and the regions where the Emerald mines are located, are known for. The name symbolizes the exotic, unique, and of course, the luscious tones of green that make up those regions and the precious stones we specialize in.

We pride ourselves in working under rigorous buying guidelines and processes and are committed to procuring the highest quality polished Colombian emeralds for our clients.

Selva places each emerald, or precious stone through rigorous inspection processes, initially managed in house or through our gemstone providers, if other than emeralds. Then we send our emeralds to the gemological laboratory to be certified. This begins locally at the CDTEC facility in Bogota, Colombia. If needed or requested by our client, we can then send the Emerald to be certified to Switzerland for further detailed analysis by the SSEF Laboratory or the Gubelin Laboratory. The final result will be a certified emerald issued with a certificate to verify the provenance, quality and treatment of the emerald.

At Selva we focus on quality and our clients. Bringing the exotic into every piece we design.